A book about a blob
Here’s a book that may be of interest to Exploding Whale aficionados: The Life Story of a Chilean Sea Blob and Other Matters of Importance by Theodore Carter . For those of you that may be unfamiliar with the term, a “sea blob” — also known as a “ globster ” — is an “unidentified organic mass that washes up on the shoreline of an ocean or other body of water.” The title of the book refers to a highly publicized event in 2003 where one such “organic mass” washed up on the coast of Chile. Biologists were unable to readily determine what the “blob” was, and the world had to wait nearly a year before DNA testing revealed it to be the remains of a sperm whale. Many such events have occurred over the decades with the remains often misidentified as sea monsters, giant octopuses, or modern-day plesiosaurs. Carter has apparently worked the Chilean sea blob into a collection of short stories, which his publisher describes as follows: Much as Theodore Cart...