
Showing posts from March, 2006

Pentagon to detonate 700 tons of explosives

On June 2, 2006, the U.S. Pentagon plans to detonate 700 tons of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, which would make it the largest open-air, non-nuclear blast ever seen at the Nevada Test Site. The goal of the test is to aid in designing weapons that can reach weapons of mass destructions buried deep under solid rock.  Nevada weapons test plan blasted   – Nevada Site Office   – U.S. Dept. of Energy Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation Nevada Test Site   – Wikipedia I just hope the Pentagon is prepared to fend off those crazy Oregon highway engineers from that mother lode!  For a fascinating collection of films about U.S.  nuclear  testing, we recommend the  Atomic Bomb Collection , which actually consists of three separate movies:  Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie ,  Nukes in Space – Rainbow Bombs , and  Atomic Journeys – Welcome to Ground Zero .

Whale explosions: let me count the ways

Did you know that  is home to (as far as we know) the world’s only organized discussion of the various ways in which whales explode? We call it our  Taxonomy of Cetacean Detonation . Now, in case you’re not really sure what that means, here’s a translation: Taxonomy  –  Division into ordered groups or categories. of Cetacean  –  Of, relating to, or belonging to the order Cetacea, which includes creatures such as whales, dolphins, and porpoises that are characterized by a nearly hairless body, anterior limbs modified into broad flippers, vestigial posterior limbs, and a flat notched tail. Detonation  –  The act of exploding. Now you’ve no reason to be afraid. Go take a  look  — you’ll probably learn something!

Scots haul away dead whale rather than blow it up

Scottish officials had planned to use dynamite to blow up the 47 ft. carcass of a dead sperm whale but later decided that the 30-ton leviathan would be hauled away and dumped in a local “rubbish tip” (disposal site). Prior to the whale’s death, it had become entangled in the anchor rope of a 19 ft. yacht occupied by Donald Morrison, 61. For nearly two hours, Morrison fought to untangle the rope from the whale, all while his small craft was being towed toward shore and repeatedly thrashed by the apparently suicidal whale. An exact cause of death for the whale had not yet been determined. Donald’s 50ft Whale of a Scare  –  The Press and Journal Rotting whale’s carcase may have to be blown up  –  The Scotsman Thar She Doesn’t Blow Up  –  The Daily Record THAR SHE DOESN’T BLOW UP Mar 7 2006 A COUNCIL decided not to blow up the rotting carcass of a 47ft whale that nearly sunk a yacht. Instead, Western Isles Council hired a low-loader lorry to transport the creat...